Development Department
The City of Powell is home to a unique entrepreneurial spirit shared by over 1,300 small to medium sized companies. Our businesses enjoy a vibrant community of over 14,000 residents, a revitalized downtown district, and an easy, convenient commute to our state's capital, Columbus.
Our Development Department continually seeks out innovative ideas, creative projects and new proposals that contribute to Powell's amenities and charm. We welcome start-up businesses, regional companies, and national retail establishments to join our community.
Whether you are launching your business, looking to expand, or would like to relocate, we invite you to discover all Powell has to offer. It won't take long to figure out why so many businesses and residents have chosen to call Powell their home.
Planning and Zoning
The Department oversees the development review process and administers the zoning code for different types of projects. This process ensures that all projects are compliant with the zoning code and other applicable City codes or policies. The department also advises several bodies comprised of City residents who administer the zoning code including the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Historic Downtown Advisory Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Please consult the Development Department if you have a project or proposal that you would like to submit for review. Learn about upcoming public meetings by visiting the board and commission agenda page.
Residential Association Requirements
Many residential properties are part of an established homeowners or condominium association which may have additional codes, covenants, and deed restrictions (CC&Rs). While these CC&Rs may define requirements which are similar to the zoning ordinance, the City of Powell is not responsible for administering or enforcing association CC&Rs. These represent a private agreement between the property owner and association.
With the approval of Ordinance 2024-38(PDF, 9MB), the City no longer requires the submission of a homeowners association letter with a zoning permit or application. We encourage all property owners, contractors, and representatives to contact their association regarding CC&Rs prior to filing for a zoning approval and/or zoning certificate.
Application Form & Checklists
- Planning Application Form(PDF, 1010KB)
- Sketch Plan(PDF, 273KB)
- Preliminary Development Plan(PDF, 289KB)
- Final Development Plan(PDF, 291KB)
- Combined Preliminary and Final Development Plans(PDF, 293KB)
- Amended Final Development Plan(PDF, 267KB)
- Certificate of Appropriateness(PDF, 1MB)
- Conditional Use(PDF, 268KB)
- Subdivision without Plat(PDF, 260KB)
- Variance(PDF, 269KB)
- Zoning Appeal(PDF, 263KB)
- Zoning Map Amendment(PDF, 271KB)
Code Enforcement
The Department protects the City’s character through the inspection and enforcement of property maintenance standards. Staff work closely with property owners to identify and address potential zoning code violations in a timely manner. A few common violations may include tall grass and weeds, RV / boat parking, building condition, junk and debris, work without a permit, and other similar violations. Please contact the Development Department to discuss any potential code violations.
No Feeding Ordinance
The City adopted Ordinance 2024-34(PDF, 2MB) to prohibit the intentional feeding of nuisance animals to protect the health and safety of the community. The goal of this ordinance is to reduce and prevent intentionally attracting deer, geese, skunks, and other invasive or dangerous animals from gathering in neighborhoods. This legislation focuses on animals that have been identified by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) as a public nuisance and prohibits people from intentionally putting out food for these animals to eat.
Residents who are concerned about the potential feeding of nuisance animals can report the situation to the City for review. Please complete the online complaint form or download and turn in the paper complaint form(PDF, 982KB) to the Development Department located at 47 Hall Street. Due to the unique nature of this ordinance, anonymous complaints cannot be filed for review.
Economic Development
The Development Department is your first stop when thinking of doing business in the City of Powell. We invite you to learn more about our thriving community, and the many benefits your business will have when you choose to start it in Powell. Contact us now to get more information.
The Development Department works with the Powell Community Improvement Corporation (CIC), which was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) corporation on Feb. 16, 2010, as allowed by the Ohio Revised Code. The purpose of the Powell CIC is to promote the industrial, commercial, distribution and research development within the City of Powell that will improve the normal growth, employment opportunities and stability of employment within these sectors. The CIC also works to advance the industrial and commercial life of the community and to stabilize the general economy of the area; to develop methods for or to assist in the development of methods to further enhance these purposes; and to furnish assistance to projects and undertakings concerning these purposes.
Quick Links
Boards & Commission Details
Jeffrey Tyler
Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director
614.885.5380 ext. 1033
Logan Stang
Planning Director
614.885.5380 ext. 1030

Claudia Husak
Planning Manager/Zoning Administrator
614.885.5380 ext. 1015
Helpful Links
Development Toolkit
Nuisance Animal Feeding Complaint